Listen to the conversation
and hear yourself

Everyone listening to the same conversation hears something different. Which means we don’t hear the conversation as it is, we here it as we are.

Through our filter. Of ideas and beliefs, fears, past experiences and so on.

Including those we are not even aware of.

So let’s see what comes up while listening and become more aware of how you live life

Because that awareness helps… to close the gap.

The gap between who you truly are and your everyday experience.

Enjoy the conversations, and see if you can listen not so much with your ears but with your heart.

Because then you will mostly hear yourself.

All of Ellen

An overview of what else I get up to in life:

Close the Gap

Podcast on Life – in which Everything is questioned. Mostly ourselves… >>>

Switch on the Light

Writing. For those who want to take life next level. Not higher, just deeper. >>>

Business Support.
Virtually Everything

Supporting big visionaries by making all the magic happen in the background. >>>

Virtually Everything

Marketing services.
Freestyle Marketing

My long term marketing only business. Still going, as part of Virtually Everything. >>>

All of Ellen

An overview of what else I get up to in life: